1 Comment
May 19Liked by Carol Freire

‘If a life is wanted, the right thing to do is to preserve and fight for it. However, in circumstances where a life is unwanted, then there is nothing wrong with terminating it. Abortion and euthanasia are morally accepted from this perspective. Calling for the death of a black person is racist, but chanting death to zionists is seen as a fight for 'liberation' and 'decolonization'. In this subjective and relative world, our vanity becomes a virtue.’

This quote!!

It is interesting how likes and follows equate to some type of moral currency.

I also find the concept of moral relativity interesting. Of course we’d want to bend what is considered right and wrong to suit our agenda of the day. How is anyone supposed to know how to be a good person when it all depends on how someone feels in that moment? It takes away the value of morality when it is simply based on convenience.

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